
My journey into vaping

iSub V on a Tesla Nano 60w

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20170121_140629When offered me a choice of shinies to review, I picked the shiniest they were offering. My Three year Vapeaversary was just coming up (it was last Saturday, the 21st) and which of us can resist a little bit of shiny hunting to celebrate the Vape? These two look so good together that I forgot at first that the iSub V comes with SS coils as standard, and the Tesla Nano does NI and TI modes in Temperature control mode. So I had to wait for some Ti coils to turn up before I could try this set up as it really should be tried.

The picture makes it look like the tank is the exact same blue, but it isn’t quite. It’s close enough so that these two look like a matching pair and the tank does sit nicely on the Tesla, no awkward gaps and not too top heavy looking.

Firs20170112_113755t the tank. The iSub V has solved some of my major gripes with this style of tank. It has
a wide open fill area, making it really simple to fill either with a nozzle bottle or a dripper. The tank isn’t huge, but the coil doesn’t take up all the space in there meaning that you get 3ml of space for juice. The top fill is easy to get at and I’ve only had it feel stuck the first time I’ve had to refill after a coil swap. It has a nice mechanism for the airflow adjuster too, and although it isn’t quite as open a draw as I would really like, it isn’t bad and it works for this tank, as I found out.

20170112_113913The coil swap is really good. As you can see from the picture I have the whole tank upside down in my hand with the lid still on. This means that any juice I have in there is perfectly safe. The coil simply pops out. You slip a new one in and you can’t get it wrong because the end of the coil that you can see there is shaped so that it can only fit in correctly. The only part that comes off to access this is the airflow, which can be wiped round and screwed back on. I’m told that these coils are lasting very well, which is nice to know.

20170121_140523Now the Tesla Nano 60w TC. This is a seriously nice little mod to hold in the hand. It has a lovely shape, slightly curved in all directions. It’s Zinc alloy and it isn’t a fingerprint magnet. This feels really solid in the hand, not so heavy that you’d want a crane to lift it after a couple of hours, but definitely there and not ready to slip out of my grip to a fumble. The fire button is on top of the mod. That took a little getting used to. It is really solid feeling and has a nice meaty click to it under your finger so that you know you’ve hit the button. The controls are pretty standard too, and I’m impressed by the fact that it doesn’t constantly nag with queries as to if I’ve changed coils. Five clicks to lock and unlock and there’s a power lock too which you access with a long press of the up button and the fire button together. The TC mode is got at by pressing both the power adjust buttons while the mod is locked, making it pretty much foolproof even for a beginner, damn it. A nice clear screen, with all the info right where you need it is the icing on the cake. Battery life is pretty impressive too, at the settings on the screen here, this is easily giving a full day while being swapped out with another set up with a different flavour in it. I’m told.

Together they make for a pretty good vape. It’s the best TC vape I’ve ever had, and I’m not all that keen on TC vaping in general. For me there seems to be a little bit of something lacking although I’ll take this set up over any of my others bar the Aspire. That’s still my number one, with this running in at second.  It just goes to show just how subjective vaping gear is though. Just after I took the picture at the beginning of this post I handed the whole thing over to Best Friend for him to have a try. I’m told I won’t be getting it back. For the first time in three years Best Friend is tasting the flavour of the juice in his vape and has done for four days now. There were loud noises of joy over my favourite caramel, and then the vape cupboard got raided. He is over the moon with it, and as that is his first upgrade from a Nautilus Mini at 12w, I call that remarkable. Last I heard there was a caramel scented fogbank over Carlisle. This set up has Gnome approval. It’s now missing, presumed Ed.

Coming next – win £100 of gear with


Author: B

A Mad middle aged woman who lives in the middle of nowhere, Scotland with a parrot, two Jack Russells, some koi, and a tank full of tropical fish. I have M.E. but that's really not important. I draw, paint, write, game, garden, blog and enjoy a good vape. I have three lovely grown up offspring, and 2 ex-husbands.

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